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Demetris Fucks The Boss

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Demetris Fucks The Boss

Demetris is back but very unexpected that day! I was texting to Paris earlier in the week trying to set up a shoot. In the middle of the conversation Demetris was also texting me but it seemed like I was still talking to Paris as the conversation flowed without interruption. I even chatted to whom I thought was Paris but turns out it was Demetris on the telephone and confirmed where he had to be etc. He knocked at my door and when I opened it I was shocked to see Demetris standing there instead of Paris and kept asking him what he was doing there. We both had a good laugh once we figured out what had happened and ended up doing the shoot together. For a mistake it's hot!

Duration: 47 minutes
From the series: ...Fucks The Boss
Directed by: Morgan 
Studio: The Great Canadian Male 

Watch these pornstars in Demetris Fucks The Boss :
 • Demetris  • Morgan (AMVC)


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