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The Journalist - French

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The Journalist - French

The Journalist Anna, a young French TV journalist lives with Horst, a politician, 20 years her senior. She thinks she has the perfect life until her boss shows her compromising pictures of her husband. Anna and her collaborator go undercover in an effort to discover the truth. The investigation exposes her to a variety of scintillating scenarios, including: an S and M mistress, sale of slaves in parking lots, a gang bang in a swingers club and more... Will she uncover the truth? Find out...

Duration: 88 minutes

Directed by: Pascal Lucas 
Studio: Marc Dorcel 

Watch these pornstars in The Journalist - French :
 • Ricky Mancini  • Nina Roberts  • Phil Hollyday  • Titof Chiotti  • Anna Polina  • Denisa Heaven Jennifer  • Clanddi H Jinkcego  • Michael Cheritto  • Anksa Kara  • Ian Scott  • Maitresse Morrigan  • Vince Carter  • Horst Baron  • Nikita Bellucci  • Rick Angel  • Luciano Vampyr  • Max Casanova  • Daria Glower  • Sabrina Sweet


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