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These `Couples` know how to keep their sex lives interesting. They have the hottest, spontaneous sex at home, and you get a chance to watch their passionate love-making unfold. Exclusive Landon Conrad and Trey Turner know the importance of dealing with morning wood in the bedroom. Exclusive Angelo Marconi and Topher DiMaggio keep it spicy by turning up the heat in the kitchen. Before an evening out on the town, Bryce Star and Boston Miles like steaming up the bathroom with a heated exchange. Exclusive Micah Brandt and Dylan Roberts take a moment out of their relaxing afternoon to have an energized, hard core session in the living room. Whatever the situation, the connection they share and the attraction they have for each other shows when these `Couples` let their impulses take over and fuck like they just hooked up for the first time.

Duration: 97 minutes

Directed by: Tony DiMarco 
Studio: Falcon Falcon Studios Group 

Watch these pornstars in Couples :
 • Topher DiMaggio  • Landon Conrad  • Trey Turner  • Boston Miles  • Dylan McLovin  • Bryce Star  • Angelo Marconi  • Micah Brandt


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