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CoCo Cherry 2: Ass Assasination

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CoCo Cherry 2: Ass Assasination

CoCo Cherry "CJ" is back and hotter than ever in this Hard Core, Double Penetration fuck video! We held nothing back! We shot this vid over two years ago. We hung onto it because at the time we thought it might be too shocking for some, lol. But know that we know ya'll are nasty horn-dogs, we have decided to whip it out. So, CJ is back and eager for more MaverickMen hard-core ass fucking and much to our surprise, this little thug was begging to be dominated and double stuffed. He's a bit of a wise ass with a smart mouth, I set him straight and threatened to prison fuck his coco ass if he got out of line. He shut right up. When he started calling us "sir" we knew he was ready to be our sub boy. He wanted total domination, and he fucking got it! Getting double stuffed had been a fantasy of his since he was eighteen. We stripped him out of his clothes and his rock-hard uncut monster cock was dripping pre-cum. He dropped to his knees and we taught him how to choke down our cocks. We fingered and probed his tight hole to get him wet and ready and when he was nice and lubed up, we started the DP. It sure as hell wasn't easy, but when we finally crammed both our cocks in his ass, he howled like a wolf until I shoved Hunter's underwear in his mouth, lol. We prison fucked his ass till he begged for us to let him cum.

Duration: 50 minutes
From the series: Virgin Cherry Pop
Directed by: Maverick Man 
Studio: MaverickMan22 Productions 

Watch these pornstars in CoCo Cherry 2: Ass Assasination :
 • The Maverick Men  • Cole Maverick  • CJ (AMVC)  • Hunter "Maverick Man"


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