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Bound In Public: Spencer Reed, Sebastian Keys, Ricky Sinz, John Jammen, Michael Sade, Scratch And Brian Bonds

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Bound In Public: Spencer Reed, Sebastian Keys, Ricky Sinz, John Jammen, Michael Sade, Scratch And Brian Bonds

You've seen Sebastian Keys sub on BG and BIP. You have never seen a guy go through domination. Sebastian Keys is a cocky police officer who gets taken down by a group of horny men in a public restroom. Spencer Reed and Ricky Sinz lead the crowd in the most intense gang bang ever in all of KinkMen history and possibly the web. Reduced to zero, Sebastian gets tossed around like a rag doll and fucked beyond his imagination. This super sub endures extreme candle wax, strict bondage, a fist to his ass, humiliation, double penetration and a face full of piss and cum. This is rare and boundary pushing event. It is not often a sub is used to this extreme.

Duration: 66 minutes
From the series: Bound In Public

Studio: KinkMen 

Watch these pornstars in Bound In Public: Spencer Reed, Sebastian Keys, Ricky Sinz, John Jammen, Michael Sade, Scratch And Brian Bonds :
 • John Jammen  • Brian Bonds  • Sebastian Keys  • Ricky Sinz  • Scratch  • Spencer Reed  • Michael Sade


Bound In Public: Spencer Reed, Sebastian Keys, Ricky Sinz, John Jammen, Michael Sade, Scratch And Brian Bonds PayPerView  •  Bound In Public: Spencer Reed, Sebastian Keys, Ricky Sinz, John Jammen, Michael Sade, Scratch And Brian Bonds Streaming video  •  Bound In Public: Spencer Reed, Sebastian Keys, Ricky Sinz, John Jammen, Michael Sade, Scratch And Brian Bonds Video On Demand  •  Bound In Public: Spencer Reed, Sebastian Keys, Ricky Sinz, John Jammen, Michael Sade, Scratch And Brian Bonds pay-per-view  •  Bound In Public: Spencer Reed, Sebastian Keys, Ricky Sinz, John Jammen, Michael Sade, Scratch And Brian Bonds PPV  •  download Bound In Public: Spencer Reed, Sebastian Keys, Ricky Sinz, John Jammen, Michael Sade, Scratch And Brian Bonds

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