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Bound Gods: Spencer And Zach

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Bound Gods: Spencer And Zach

It's almost closing time at a quiet neighborhood bar. Zach Alexander is looking for some trouble and Spencer the bartender just want to get home from a long day. Zach confides in Spencer that he's curious about bondage but his boyfriend wants no part of it. After some coercing, Spencer decides to show Zach the ropes. Spencer said there are two types of bondage, one without corporal and one with corporal. He prefers the one with corporal and Zach is willing to give it a try. Zach has no idea that there is a hard bondage fuck entail and wild night ahead.

Duration: 62 minutes
From the series: Bound Gods

Studio: KinkMen 

Watch these pornstars in Bound Gods: Spencer And Zach :
 • Zach Alexander  • Spencer Reed


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