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Cabin Fever 2

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Cabin Fever 2

In Cabin Fever 2, it's cold and snowy outside and another set of All-American jocks are stuck in their cabin. With nothing else to do, they have to find ways to keep themselves occupied. They're always horny, and they're burning up with Cabin Fever. The heat generated by their fever takes over, and they turn to each other to fulfill the passions that overwhelm them. Fiery exchanges between these hot young studs, turn up the temperature even higher. This fever can no longer be contained, and what follows is intense man-on-man action that will make you want to get holed up with these jocks. You'll want to help relieve them of their Cabin Fever!

Duration: 93 minutes
From the series: Cabin Fever
Directed by: Bruno Bond 
Studio: Jocks Falcon Falcon Studios Group 

Watch these pornstars in Cabin Fever 2 :
 • Donny Wright  • Lee Paine  • Valentin Petrov  • Trace Kendall  • Mark Ford  • Luke Milan  • Dylan McLovin  • Spencer Fox


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