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Swinging American Style: Texas Fuck'em

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Swinging American Style: Texas Fuck'em

Swinging American Style is an all-access look into the lives of real swingers. Watch as we delve into the lifestyle and find out what happens when like minded couples and singles are put together to explore one another's sexual fantasies. How do they meet? Where do they find each other? What happens when they finally get together? If you ever had a question about the swinging lifestyle, Swinging American Style will answer them all and much much more. A taboo subject to many, but to others a way of life.

Duration: 117 minutes
From the series: Swinging American Style
Directed by: Phil Varone 
Studio: Vivid Entertainment 

Watch these pornstars in Swinging American Style: Texas Fuck'em :
 • Maia  • Payton Leigh  • Mark Galfione  • Kristal Summers  • Jack Mehoff  • Jessica  • Phil Varone


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