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Girlfriends 4

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Girlfriends 4

The popular lesbian love-in series is back! As in the first three Girlfriends films, the fourth installment is full of vignettes focused on two or more girls who show off their real chemistry with lots of kissing, passion, toys and real orgasms throughout! In one scene, Katsuni throws a sex toy party, inviting Asa Akira, Alanah Rae and Andy San Dimas to play and investigate an array of adult novelties together, ending in a full-on orgy! Other stories include 'lessons' at a real indoor shooting range, a hot motorcycle mechanic keeping her client happy while she waits for a part, prep-school college gals in uniform breaking the rules, and last but not least, a frustrating night out at a club that ends in way more fun at home with lots of satisfying orgasms!

Duration: 170 minutes
From the series: Girlfriends - Third Degree Films
Directed by: Miles Long 
Studio: Third Degree Films 

Watch these pornstars in Girlfriends 4 :
 • Molly Bennett  • Alanah Rae  • Andy San Dimas  • Asa Akira  • Christie Stevens  • Casey Cumz  • Trinity St. Clair  • Stevie Shae  • Katsumi  • Tia Cyrus  • Katie K.  • Lily Labeau


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