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Rogue Adventures 3

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Rogue Adventures 3

Nominated for Best Trannie Tape for 1999, AVN. 4 stars, AVN. The 1st tape in this series won AVN's Best Transsexual Video Award for 1998, and we've got a Nomination here to try and do it again. John Stagliano says, "Curious? Oh, man, are you missing it!" Joey is on a roll here, and back in Brazil. Trust us when we say that you won't be able to tell the girls from the boys... until they pull out their toys! Seriously, these tapes are an unusual experience and an underground phenomenon, just coming out above ground. They're actually quite good couples tapes.

Duration: 137 minutes
From the series: Rogue Adventures
Directed by: Joey Silvera 
Studio: Evil Angel Joey Silvera Video 

Watch these pornstars in Rogue Adventures 3 :
 • Bruce Adriano  • Samantha (o)  • Christian Wave  • Camila Menxion  • Domynyx Dumont  • Alessandra Toledo  • Marcio Cristiano  • Suzy  • Renata (o)  • Fabio Scorpion  • Deborah (o)


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