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Spa Studs Resort

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Spa Studs Resort

The ultimate studs at the ultimate resort. Eight hot young hunky spa attendants, fully nude and ready to indulge their guests' every desire: drinks in the Jacuzzi, intimate tennis lessons, swapping long, slow nude massages by the pool. They even give your car a soapy naked wash. After the guests are gone, these sexy studs turn the lavish spa into their own naked playground: diving, nude oil posing and naked mud slinging. In the VIP cabanas, each muscle boy treats you to a private close-up session that the guests never see. It's the spa fantasy you've dreamed of.

Duration: 82 minutes

Studio: Sharpshooter Studios 

Watch these pornstars in Spa Studs Resort :
 • Clint Peak  • Wes Crenshaw  • Sammy Jones  • Cody Miller  • Jed Dodds  • Christian St. Jon  • Sarah Rodriquez  • Rebecca Love  • Jay Atherton  • Johnny Castle  • Troy Mycles


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