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Swedish Nights - French

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Swedish Nights - French

Dawn Cumming and Siegrid Cellar transcend the screen in this amazing remake of the film ""Window On Court"" of Alfred Hitchcock. A couple watches the particularly perverse sexual games of their young and beautiful neighbor from their window. Excited at the highest point, the couple then seduce her and train her in a devilish trio. A very representative classic from the golden age of X French cinema applauded by a crowd of spectators when released on February 23, 1977 ALPHA-FRANCE movie theaters.

Duration: 77 minutes

Directed by: Patrick Aubin 

Watch these pornstars in Swedish Nights - French :
 • Siegried Cellier  • Gilbert Servien  • Jean-Louis Vattier  • Patrice Maranzano  • Sandrine Pernelle  • Yves Barral  • Dawn Cummings  • Delphine Thail  • Guy Royer  • Madou Sall


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