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Briana Banks: Cock Star

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Briana Banks: Cock Star

Dear Jim Powers,I really owe you a major debt of gratitude. It is because of you that I am the big star that I am today. When I first got into the porno business I was very shy. I was really afraid that I was not a very good cocksucker and that I was no good at jerking people off with my asshole. You put so many hours into coaching me on my technique, it was incredibly generous and selfless of you. Because of your hard work, I was able to do these amazing scenes for JM Productions and my mouth, asshole, and cunt were able to leave an enduring legacy to the world. You are forever my hero. XOXO -Briana Banks

Duration: 105 minutes
From the series: Cock Star
Directed by: Jim Powers 
Studio: JM Productions 

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