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Marty: Training Of Amaya

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Marty: Training Of Amaya

Marty's wife falls asleep watching soaps, and forgets to collect John and Alice from school. The Headmistress phones Marty telling him to come get them.. Marty phones Amaya, but there is no answer. He phones his mother-in-law and she agrees to collect them. Marty arrives home very angry, Amaya is asleep on the couch. He gets her to wake up after shaking her, and tells her that her mother wants to have John and Alice for the weekend, and he thought that was a good idea. Marty lets his wife know that she has neglected her responsibility. The weekend will be taken up with chastisement, discipline and ropes and gags.. Sit back and enjoy the weekend with Marty and Amaya!

Duration: 61 minutes

Studio: Calstar 

Watch these pornstars in Marty: Training Of Amaya :
 • Amaya Meda


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