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The Teacher Or The Forbidden Pleasures - French

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The Teacher Or The Forbidden Pleasures - French

Love, sex, and lubricity in South of France. Success of the film XXX Provencal. With Helen Shirley.. gorgeous in her role of a teacher. Despite her austere looks, she can prevent her body of succumbing to the more extreme pleasures of the flesh in a series of increasingly abusive situations. A record number of enthusiastic spectators welcomed the release of this film on January 13, 1982 in the ALPHA-FRANCE movie theaters.

Duration: 69 minutes

Directed by: Bob W. Sanders 

Watch these pornstars in The Teacher Or The Forbidden Pleasures - French :
 • Tony Valles  • Richard Lemieuvre  • Andre Kay  • Helen Shirley  • Alice Aniel  • Eric Dray  • Marie Rako  • Brigitte Verbecq  • Claudia Van Statt  • Victor Vallet  • Claude Dernant  • Yves Soubeyran  • Richard Allan  • Hubert Ceylan  • Cathy Menard  • Jacques Marbeuf


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