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Stocking Whore

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Stocking Whore

Mistress Eden, sensual sadist, uses marco for Her amusement in a 55 minute spectacle in humiliation. The big slave worships Her stunningly high high heels and then Her nylon covered feet before serving as Her personal carpet. She kicks and crops him until he begs for mercy and then puts him into the kneeling stock for a brutal whipping. Next, his ass is Hers as first a big strap-on and then an even bigger dildo gape ass while the electricity surges between his thighs from the TENS unit.Gorgeous Mistress Eden sat and stretched Her long nylon covered legs out and beckoned slave marco to crawl in for worship. She had on 8 high heeled platofrms and he licked the dirt from the bottoms and sucked the heels as She demeaned him verbally. He was allowed to remove Her shoes and worship the nylon covered feet of his Goddess.

Duration: 55 minutes

Directed by: Steve Lake 
Studio: Lakeview Entertainment 

Watch these pornstars in Stocking Whore :
 • Mistress Eden  • Slave Marco


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