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American Tranny

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American Tranny

When this all American trucker picks up Vanity on the side of the road, he doesn`t realize that she`s taking him for the ride. Jesse`s a hot real estate agent with some very interesting offers once you get behind closed doors. The boys get their friend a hot stripper for his bachelor party. Aliana is sure to give him a night he`ll never forget.

Duration: 117 minutes
From the series: American Tranny
Directed by: Kevin Moore 
Studio: Mile High Media Reality Junkies 

Watch these pornstars in American Tranny :
 • Billy Dewitt  • Allanah Starr  • Christian XXX  • Madison Montag  • Chad Diamond  • Jesse Flores  • Jay Ashley  • Morgan Bailey  • Vanity  • Eric Jover


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