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Transsexual Schoolgirls 2: Tranny Facesitting Domination

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Transsexual Schoolgirls 2: Tranny Facesitting Domination

TS Jesse was studying for her college exam when her tutor came over and began demanding to sniff her panties. She treated the horny old bastard by sitting on his face and teasing him with her sweaty panties in his mouth! However, he didnt know that Jesse was packing a 9-inch cock! This exciting study session became even more interesting when TS Jesse pulled out her hard cock and balls from her panties. It turns out that her French tutor was sniffing her balls instead of a wet pussy! She tea-bagged him and began shoving her hard cock in his mouth.

Duration: 40 minutes

Directed by: Eric Jover 
Studio: Ultima Entertainment 

Watch these pornstars in Transsexual Schoolgirls 2: Tranny Facesitting Domination :
 • Mark Vandervilt  • Jesse Flores


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