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The Party - French

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The Party - French

A disorderly couple organizes a "sexy party" and waits for its guests. There come an innocent and lovely girl. The couple takes a perverse pleasure in abusing her and then locked her in a trunk from which she can follow the course of the evening. The "celebration" begins. One of the participants discovered the presence of the girl. To the astonishment of all, she admits having taken taste to the show and asks for the "celebration" to continue, with her..

Duration: 82 minutes

Directed by: Patrick Aubin 

Watch these pornstars in The Party - French :
 • Diane Dubois  • Richard Lemieuvre  • Cathy Stewart  • Edwig Failliel  • Claudia Mehringer  • Clara  • Jacques Gatteau  • Guy Royer  • Jean-Louis Vattier


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