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Ladyboy Adventures

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Ladyboy Adventures

Sex film legend Joey Silvera, more than anyone else, is responsible for the she-male boom in porn over the past decade-and-a-half. He revolutionized the industry with his pioneering Rogue Adventures series, bringing this forbidden niche out of the closet and into the mainstream. Now Joey travels to Thailand to create Ladyboy Adventures, an exploration of transsexual lifestyles in the exotic land thats world-famous for beautiful she-boys. A parade of exquisite Asian creatures with names like Nong, Ming, Gam, Den, Rin, Pang and Apple masturbate for Joeys camera, revealing lithe, young bodies and big, hard cocks. Because conversation with the English-speaking director can be difficult, each sexy ladyboy must resort to communicating in the international language of self-love: stroking her pert nipples, penetrating her bottom with dildos and jacking her stiff shaft by hand. Cute T-girl Nong is an incredible, tiny little thing who fucks her asshole with a butt plug and jacks off on her flat belly. Sultry Ming wears sheer pantyhose and smokes while she pumps her dick. Theres also a special appearance by American she-male Yasmin Lee, getting serviced by male stud Gabriel in California, then bending the young man over and reaming his ass from behind. Back in Bangkok, skinny trannie Apple fingers her anus and spurts girl-sperm on the leather sofa. Remember, what happens in Thailand... is on tape!

Duration: 184 minutes
From the series: Ladyboy Adventures
Directed by: Joey Silvera 
Studio: Evil Angel Joey Silvera Video 

Watch these pornstars in Ladyboy Adventures :
 • Apple (o)  • Nong  • Yasmin Lee  • Den (o)  • Pang  • Rin (o)  • Gabriel  • Gam (o)  • Patricia (o)  • Ming


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