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Southern College Boys 2: Kale And Tyler Reid

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Southern College Boys 2: Kale And Tyler Reid

Kale has a thing for 18 y/o guys. After taking his friend Tyler's cherry in Southern College Boys #1, he's back with another college boy named Tyler...Tyler Reid. Tyler Reid had just turned 18 and couldn't wait to get naked and fuck on camera.After seeing the size of Kale's thick cock, he decided just to top for now. He wasn't sure about having Kale's meat up his tight boy pussy just yet, but he enjoyed being finger fucked by Kale.They made out, sucked, rimmed, and Tyler fucked Kale's hole good in different positions. Kale is versatile and really loved have a cock up his hot ass. At the end, they both jerked off laying next to each other and shot nice creamy loads of spunk on themselves. I think they will both be back for more.

Duration: 57 minutes
From the series: Southern College Boys
Directed by: Steve Myer 
Studio: Steve Myer Productions 

Watch these pornstars in Southern College Boys 2: Kale And Tyler Reid :
 • Kale  • Tyler Reid


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