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Barefoot Confidential 69

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Barefoot Confidential 69

Can you remember a time when feet weren't the most important thing in your life? Thankfully, those soleless days are long gone. Now, an afternoon spent thinking about the curve of a young lady's arch is one well spent. Just the thought of soft pale soles marching their way up and down your body is enough to send a thrill up your spine and make your pants feel a little too tight. Carpe pedis, foot

Duration: 145 minutes
From the series: Barefoot Confidential

Studio: Kick Ass Pictures 

Watch these pornstars in Barefoot Confidential 69 :
 • Katie Michaels  • Rane Revere  • Mikey Butders  • Katreena Lee  • Ally Kay  • Evan Stone  • Alyssa Reece  • Mario Rivera  • Natalia Rossi


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