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Silky Smooth Sadists

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Silky Smooth Sadists

Mistress Monica teams with Mistress Kozmina (Her first appearance) in a 64 minute punishment filled humiliation of slave twitch. The Ladies have a great time together at his expense and spare no energy in kicking, trampling, face sitting and humiliating the handsome slave. He licks the bottom of their boots clean and Mistress Monica dominates him with bare feet before slipping into Pantyhose. Mistress Kozmina holds his pantyhose leash and makes him suck a big dildo as he gets a prostate massage. Then Mistress Monica fucks him up the ass with Her strap-on as Her partner amuses Herself at all angles. Finally, in the CBT chair, he is milked out into a dog bowl, but not before Mistress Kozmina applies the violet wand to his big black bound balls

Duration: 63 minutes

Directed by: Steve Lake 
Studio: Lakeview Entertainment 

Watch these pornstars in Silky Smooth Sadists :
 • Mistress Kozmina  • Mistress Monica  • Slave Twitch


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