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The Ivy Manor Slaves 4: The Bodyguards

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The Ivy Manor Slaves 4: The Bodyguards

After intensifying security at The Ivy Manor, Mistress Isabella welcoms her new prized pupil, Madison, for some one-on-one training. Little does Isabella know, her guest has other plans. After letting her guard down, Isabella's bodyguards step in to save the day when Madison makes her attempt to bring the iconic Mistress down. Once naked, shackled and suspended, Madison is put through intense torments to remain in Isabella's domain forever.

Duration: 67 minutes
From the series: The Ivy Manor Slaves
Directed by: Isabella Sinclaire 
Studio: Gwen Media 

Watch these pornstars in The Ivy Manor Slaves 4: The Bodyguards :
 • Wenona  • Madison Young  • Isabella Sinclaire  • Ariel X


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