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Virginities To Take - French

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Virginities To Take - French

Galle, a still virgin girl falls madly love with the former lover of her mother. She decides to join him in Corsica. At the end of a trip (rich in twists) where her "virtue" is being sorely tested, she deploys all her charms then captivates him, and between his arms knows her real first night of love. A rarely discussed topic. A great classic released with a triumphant success on December 2, 1981 in the ALPHA-FRANCE.

Duration: 79 minutes

Directed by: Bruce Lean 

Watch these pornstars in Virginities To Take - French :
 • Lise Pinson  • Louison Boutin  • Dominique Saint Claire  • John Oury  • Alain Alves  • Cathy Dupray  • Dany Doll  • Laura Zanzibar  • Ingrid  • Eric Dray  • Helen Shelley  • Claude Valmont  • Jean-Pierre Armand  • Gilbert Servien


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