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Freddie's British Sluts 9

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Freddie's British Sluts 9

Freddie is on the prowl for young British tarts, and young castle warden Brandi is the first lucky lady to ride his cock! Sexy Jae is practicing her majorette skills when Freddie interrupts her twirling to make her an offer she can't refuse! Schoolgirl Angie is keen to experience anal sex for the first time. Freddie is only too willing to oblige - as usual! At the local tennis club, the owner's daughter Leah catches Freddies's eye. She is eager to spill her deuce for him!

Duration: 110 minutes
From the series: Freddie's British Sluts
Directed by: Fat Freddie 
Studio: Load Enterprises Freddie 

Watch these pornstars in Freddie's British Sluts 9 :
 • Freddie (Load Enterprises)  • Angie  • Jenna  • Leah  • Jade  • Bev Thornton


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