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Dirty Dog 4: Pedigree Chums

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Dirty Dog 4: Pedigree Chums

Back with a bang! 'Pedigree Chums' features a stunning collection of the hottest porn stars from the Uk and Europe, making Dirty Dog 4 the filthiest series so far! All 6 episodes are sordid wank-fests of the highest caliber. If you liked the previous volumes, you'll love this! It's the nastiest yet!

Duration: 206 minutes
From the series: Dirty Dog
Directed by: Viv Thomas 
Studio: - video Lda 

Watch these pornstars in Dirty Dog 4: Pedigree Chums :
 • Jamie Brooks  • Ariana Jollee  • Maria Bellucci  • Angel Long  • Lena Frank  • Barbie  • McKenzie Lee


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