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Barefoot Confidential 68

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Barefoot Confidential 68

Try for a moment to imagine that the lovely foot that you're now caressing is like a fine glass of wine. It's been aged appropriately, eighteen years at the minimum. After you gently released the foot in question from its exquisite container, you raise it to your nose and take a deep breath. Notice, if you will, the subtleties in its bouquet. The dulcet aroma of a finely arched foot should dance across your senses like a ballerina out of control. After enjoying its sweet scent, you raise the toes to your mouth for the first real taste. Run your tongue along her sole and try to imagine the miles this young lady has walked in order to bring you her perfectly pedicured feet. Are you ready to take in your first deep draft? Be generous to yourself, you deserve it; there are plenty more beautiful feet in your future!

Duration: 137 minutes
From the series: Barefoot Confidential

Studio: Kick Ass Pictures 

Watch these pornstars in Barefoot Confidential 68 :
 • Nicole Ray  • Dane Cross  • Mikey Butders  • Alexis Ford  • Dahlia Sin  • Evelyn Hughes  • Evan Stone  • Victoria White  • Billy Glide  • Gracie Glam


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