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The Initiated Fetishist

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The Initiated Fetishist

A true fetish is the culmination of a lifetime of reverent obsession with a particular object or body part. Be it the gentle curve of a full breast, a new pair of glasses or a full leather bodysuit, the Initiated Fetishist is unashamed of their extreme at tractions. Join this brave troop as they travel down the lesser traveled roads to explore the fun and kinky ways that silky smooth soles, tender tasty toes, nylon clad thighs, tiny lace panties and /or gravity defying high heels drive them to the point of distraction. Because when a fetishist finds what he likes, he zeroes in and the rest of the world can literally melt away. As long as the object of their arousal is there, nothing else matters.

Duration: 108 minutes
From the series: The Initiated Fetishist

Studio: Fetish XXX Club 

Watch these pornstars in The Initiated Fetishist :
 • Cherry Jul  • Lora Croft  • Veronica  • Trinity  • Krystal


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