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The Naughty Schoolgirl 4

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The Naughty Schoolgirl 4

Alexandra, Milli Jay, Niky Sweet and Nesty were all severe discipline cases and that's why they were sent to this prestigious Academy to learn how to properly behave. Like most barely legal whores, the quartet of sluts thinks they know it all and nobody can teach them anything new. And that is exactly why all four are being made to remain after class. These out of control goo gobbling co-eds were in desperate need to be taught a lesson. One that can only be learned at the tip of a hard thick cock, with grades not on a scale of A to F, more along the lines of ATM & DP! Toe curling, mind-blowing multiple hole orgasms are being taught in this exclusive special tutorial session!

Duration: 78 minutes
From the series: The Naughty Schoolgirl

Studio: My Girl 

Watch these pornstars in The Naughty Schoolgirl 4 :
 • Nesty  • Niky Sweet  • Alexandra  • Mili Jay


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