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The Secretary

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The Secretary

Who sent those filthy pictures to the boss of him fucking a blonde girl both ways? It must be one of the secretaries. But which one? Is it Tara, his faithful assistant, one of the two bimbos, a shy employee dreaming of banging two at the same time? Or this other blonde who opens her legs for the men in the warehouse. It could be Eliska, a shy girl who takes her time to respond to the playboy's advances. The mystery remains unsolved and day after day sex determines the life of the employees until the final resolution.

Duration: 104 minutes

Directed by: Rebecca Lord 
Studio: Marc Dorcel Marc Dorcel SBO 

Watch these pornstars in The Secretary :
 • Tony Corleone  • Carla Cox  • Tarra White  • Bruno Sx  • Eliska Cross  • Michael Cheritto  • Bijou  • Rebecca Lord  • Mike Angelo  • Ian Scott  • Titof


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