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Finger Lickin Girlfriends

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Finger Lickin Girlfriends

Rebellious Sabrina Maree calls social services on her parents and her social worker Kylie Ireland soothes her with sexy Sapphic guidance. Tiffany Thompson is having boyfriend problems, so Raylene teaches Tiffany some surefire moves that will have her boyfriend eating out of her hands. India Summers and Karlie Montana pass the time with a board game and one thing leads to another until they both explode with orgasms. Poor young Ella Milano having problems with her cheerleading squad, so coach Francesca Le consoles and comforts her in a way only a woman can. When Jessie Andrews finds Carolyn Reese masturbating in the tub, Carolyn decides it's best to show her first hand exactly what it feels like.

Duration: 136 minutes
From the series: Finger Lickin Girlfriends
Directed by: Francesca Le' 
Studio: Smash Pictures 

Watch these pornstars in Finger Lickin Girlfriends :
 • India Summer  • Karlie Montana  • Raylene  • Ella Milano  • Jessie Andrews  • Tiffany Thompson  • Francesca Le  • Sabrina Maree  • Kylie Ireland  • Carolyn Reese


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