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Shemale Samba Mania 43

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Shemale Samba Mania 43

Raica Placido is our cover-girl for this volume. She has dirty blonde hair and a textbook tan. She is thick all over, with a beefy ass, big tits and meaty foreskin covering up her chubby Brazilian ant-eater which resides between her legs. Her boyfriend kisses her all over, paying special attention to her shaved anus and puffy nut sack. She sucks his dick and he devours her fat one, before bending over and allowing her to plow a path from his sphincter to his prostrate. She thrusts and drives and then lays back to get a plug from him as well. She rides him in RCG, as her sheathed fuck stick does the Brazilian cock-flop. She tugs out a milky one and deposits it on his ass, while he preps a sloppy one for the right side of her face. Cum drips from her cheek to her chest, before they shower together and clean things up.

Duration: 119 minutes
From the series: Shemale Samba Mania
Directed by: Ed Hunter 
Studio: Third World Media 

Watch these pornstars in Shemale Samba Mania 43 :
 • Placido  • Luana Lethuan  • Raica (o)  • Naturelle  • Joyce  • Railelem  • Raissa  • Floreih


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