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Buddies 2: Dominik In Ibiza

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Buddies 2: Dominik In Ibiza

Continuing where Buddies 1 left off, Buddies 2: Dominik in Ibiza follows the lives of eight sexy twinks and shares their stories of debauchery and sex. Buddies 2 follows star stud Dominik Trojan as he decides to take a weekend excursion to the party island of Ibiza. He's out to have the time of his life and knows that Ibiza offers sun, pristine beaches, and endless amounts of hot sex. Drama continues to unfold in the lives of the other buddies, along with tight holes getting pounded and thick, rock hard twink-cocks exploding with jizz!

Duration: 149 minutes
From the series: Buddies -Ayor Studios
Directed by: Robert Boggs 
Studio: Ayor Studios 

Watch these pornstars in Buddies 2: Dominik In Ibiza :
 • Nikolas Markov  • Franco Conti  • Dominik Trojan  • Sebastian Duncan  • Cole Thomas  • Andrew Shut  • Mark Zebro  • Joe Donovan


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