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Chicas Locas In East L.A.

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Chicas Locas In East L.A.

Andrea has come to our local production office to meet up with our man on the East La scene- Joe Pusher. He offers up his fat cock for her to wrap her pretty latina lips around. She is originally from Phoenix but has made LA her home and has quickly acquainted herself with the local ways. She drops to her knees and slobbers all over the end of his cock, then stands and sucks his dick just like a real LA whore would, bending over forward from the hips. Joe makes her stare into the camera while he smacks his dick on her face. She swallows his entire package and jacks him off too, before bending her fat ass and pre-lubed pussy over, allowing Joe to probe her insides with the tip of his dick. He makes her lick her own juices off the tip of his dick, en-route to a thick jizz wad that he rapid fires in her mouth, as she gags and chokes and eventually swallows it all. Marie is very proud of her own cock sucking skills. Joe picks her up on the LA streets and brings her back to his casa for some fun. She is small, young and petite with some torpedo shaped, all natural titties. Joe drops her to her knees, introducing her to his foreskin laden banana. Her pussy is ripe and ready to go and sucks up his fat chorizo with no problema at all. She rides cock in a variety of ways and is rewarded with a massive facial cum blast that coats her eyes and hair too.

Duration: 94 minutes
From the series: Chicas Locas In East L.A.
Directed by: Joe Pusher 
Studio: Third World Media 

Watch these pornstars in Chicas Locas In East L.A. :
 • Crystal Hernandez  • Dee (f)  • Arlene  • Andrea  • Jeanette  • Marie Montez


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