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Cody Kyler's Pinga Paradise 2: Rio De Janeiro

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Cody Kyler's Pinga Paradise 2: Rio De Janeiro

Cody Kyler is at again as FlavaWorks presents Cody Kyler Pinga Paradise 2 filled with some of the most hottest and sexy men of Rio De Janeiro. Pinga Paradise 2 was filmed in Rio De Janeiro with some of the most sexiest men like Kavan, Claudio, Luis Capri, Marlone Santos, Tiago Rio, Wellington and we cant forget about the twink himself Mr. Cody Kyler. The scenes in this movie will have you begging for more as Pinga Paradise 2 has Cody in a hot, did we mention hot versatile scene! Pinga Paradise was an excellent movie but FlavaWorks out did themselves with Pinga Paradise 2. From the duos to the threesome these scenes will have you asking for part 3, 4, 5 and 6. The sexy Wellington is showing off all his skills of being a very sexy but down to earth versatile man. As with Tiago Rio is not just in one scene but 2 must see scenes of the movie. From the walking on the moonlight beach to the laying down in the sand and letting the waves hit you. This is a must watch!

Duration: 98 minutes
From the series: Cody Kyler's Pinga Paradise
Directed by: Keith Kannon 
Studio: Flava Works 

Watch these pornstars in Cody Kyler's Pinga Paradise 2: Rio De Janeiro :
 • Tiago Rios  • Luis Capri  • Cody Kyler  • Claudio  • Kavan  • Wellington  • Marlone Santos


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