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Office Twinks

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Office Twinks

A hard day at the office? The boss's son has a bone to pick with his father's assistant. Lucky for him the assistant is very eager to make things right. The office manager catches his employee masturbating at work and finds an appropriate way to punish him. A power tripping boss tries to aggressively take advantage of the office janitor, only to find out that the janitor is more than willing. Two co-workers find themselves working late one night. The only problem is, they can't seem to get any work done. A new employee discovers that he's the boss's new flavor of the month. Not wanting to disappoint, he finds himself doing whatever it takes to stay in his good graces. These are just a few examples of what can cause a hard day at the office and how one can unwind with a hard on.

Duration: 96 minutes
From the series: Office Twinks
Directed by: KK 
Studio: Mile High Media Mr. Male Reality 

Watch these pornstars in Office Twinks :
 • Mark Zebro  • Frankie  • Oliver  • Alex Martin  • Leon Bares  • Dolce Dave  • David  • Brian Cummings  • Rico  • Lucky Taylor


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