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Inside Ethan King: Bareback Whore Boy Extraordinaire

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Inside Ethan King: Bareback Whore Boy Extraordinaire

Ethan takes a break from touring, by camping for a few days. You'd think he'd appreciate the R & R but he's a whore boy with one thing on his mind. He scores with a local, Alex Matthews. Ethan begins sucking his cock while they lounge on rocks in the middle of the river. The action moves to a rustic cabin where Alex wastes no time in mounting him bareback. Alex rides him hard and fast. Ethan is bred by the local, but decides he doesn't like bugs or the lack of wireless internet service. He checks into a local hotel to suck dick, get fucked and drink beer in air conditioned comfort.

Duration: 58 minutes

Directed by: Ike Adams 
Studio: Ike Adams Video 

Watch these pornstars in Inside Ethan King: Bareback Whore Boy Extraordinaire :
 • Brad Garrity  • Ashton Evans  • Alex Matthews  • Ethan King


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