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Star Trix: Deep Penetration

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Star Trix: Deep Penetration

Captain's Log: 02-24-3010 Captain Dirk is sent on a mission to Planet Nofun where the crew must battle a mutant named Gore. However, Scotty beams Captain Dirk to the wrong dimension where he meets A Vocado who proceeds to show him their highly sexual culture.Dirk bangs the Orion girl before making it back to the Starship Intercourse. Captain Dirk then heads to the medical bay to check Uhora who has succumbed to a serious case of "The Small Cocks."The captain then finds himself in a holding cell with Shock and a female Stringon named Huge Rak. Captain Dirk manages to barter sex for inside information from the Stringon.Join the crew of the USS Intercourse on their journey through the galaxy like never before...

Duration: 62 minutes

Studio: Muffia 

Watch these pornstars in Star Trix: Deep Penetration :
 • Hung Wei Lo  • Alex Gonz  • Taylor Starr  • Michael (m)  • Charles Dera  • Danny Wylde  • Ryder Skye  • Jack Lawrence  • Jayden James  • Alec Knight  • Milan (F)


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