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Toy Less

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Toy Less

Faye is one of our all-time favourite finger wankers! She is cute, young, sexy blonde. Faye takes a moment to show off her belt, jeans and boots as she undresses shes not wearing any underwear today! So, when her jeans come off, we get to see it all. Faye moistens her fingers in her mouth, then begins to gently finger her pussy and rub her clitoris. She closes her eyes and enjoys the time to herself. Her pussy is shaved completely hairless. Faye keeps two fingers inserted in her vagina as her other hand massages her clit. She switches her hands, every now and then, usually licking her juices as she goes. Faye takes her time, letting her excitement build and build as her breathing becomes more labored almost panting. Faye lets out a nice deep, oh and then has a really stellar orgasm with tons of popping, snapping contractions as she pulls her fingers out of her pussy!

Duration: 64 minutes
From the series: Real Female Orgasms - Femorg

Studio: FemOrg 

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 • Kaicee Marie  • Elle MacQueen  • Halle  • Olichka  • Frankie Babe  • Becky Stevens  • Misha  • Satine Sparks  • Faye  • Michelle Moist


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