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Johan's Journal 2: Eye Candy

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Johan's Journal 2: Eye Candy

BelAmi opens up the pages of John's Journal for a second time! These nine scenes features one of the most beautiful young guys and their steamy sexual adventures, all of it arranged under the expert eye of BelAmi legend Johan Paulik. Indulge yourself with a second helping of this erotic feast!

Duration: 141 minutes
From the series: Johan's Journal
Directed by: Johan Paulik 
Studio: Bel Ami 

Watch these pornstars in Johan's Journal 2: Eye Candy :
 • Matthew Gray  • Sascha Chaykin  • Justin Boyd  • Sebastian Bonnet  • Giorgio Carrera  • Todd Rosset  • Brian Bennett  • Marc Vidal  • Liam Phoenix  • Mark Aubrey  • Leon Boisen  • Rick Fontana  • Luke Hamill  • Casper Wats  • Davy Paxton  • Yves Carradine  • Josh Elliot


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