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Swaggers 2: Dickin Down Deep

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Swaggers 2: Dickin Down Deep

The latest from the new series, Swaggers 2! The finest black men with the tastiest chocolate dicks you could ever want to get your mouth around. Watch these dark chocolate treats suck on each other and give up their sexy ass. All of them hung and with a touch of swag that only Flava Works could deliver.

Duration: 128 minutes
From the series: Swaggers

Studio: Flava Works 

Watch these pornstars in Swaggers 2: Dickin Down Deep :
 • Tyson Tko  • Snow Bunni  • Hot Rod  • Manny Baby  • Chaos Carlton  • Baby Star  • Rica Zaiciah  • Down South  • Markell  • Skittlez  • Breton Cramond  • Omoni  • DeAngelo Jackson


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