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The Teacher

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The Teacher

Professors and married couple Darla Crane and Tom Byron take an active interest in their students' education. For Darla that means helping tough but sweet Mr. Pete find his way as a writer, while Tom assists Alyson Westley with math. But these young students want some sexual tutoring as well, and their come on's prove too tempting for the older couple to resist. The only problem is, someone's been watching the lascivious exploits, and the professors soon find themselves on the wrong end of a blackmail scheme. Who's behind the scandalous plot?

Duration: 114 minutes
From the series: The Teacher-Mile High Media
Directed by: Nica Noelle 
Studio: Mile High Media Sweet Sinner 

Watch these pornstars in The Teacher :
 • Alyson Westley  • Mr. Pete  • Tom Byron  • Darla Crane


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