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Italian Flair

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Italian Flair

Leading fashion photographer, Marco Grossetti, is well known for always pleasing his clients and when summoned by Gianni De Gay, his goal is no different. De Gay is a prominent manufacturer of perfumes, working on a new product he has dubbed Adam & Eve. With plans to launch the new fragrance the following autumn, a hunt begins for just the right girls who will become the symbol of his advertising campaign she must posses the exact combination of beauty, sexiness & daring. Once again, Private/Penthouse bring you a production several cuts above the ordinary, helmed by Italian director and visionary, Antonio Adamo. We smell another huge success!

Duration: 108 minutes
From the series: Private Penthouse
Directed by: Antonio Adamo 
Studio: Private Media 

Watch these pornstars in Italian Flair :
 • Laura Angel  • Frank Gun  • Roberto Malone  • Nacho Vidal  • Lynn Stone  • David Perry  • Franco Roccaforte  • Ian Scott  • Toni Ribas  • Sophie Evans  • Daniella Ognibene  • Denis Marti  • Eva Falk  • Alberto Rey  • Nikki Anderson  • Sandra Russo


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