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Stud Files Case 3: Jeri Mann

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Stud Files Case 3: Jeri Mann

Jeri takes a stroll along a glacier fed river, where the water is just above freezing. He settles down on an old growth tree that fell years ago. He strips down to what his momma - and daddy - gave him. And they gave him a prize!!! He is gifted with baby blue eyes, a toned body, big bouncing balls, and a very long and very thick cock. Oh what a cock!!! His cock is strong and at the same time pretty. His cock could put a beer can to shame. Oh, and by the way, he has a nice cock. He strokes his lube shined cock and balls to attention. Then he takes a short break for some ''long'' photos. He gets back to work, pumping that cock until there is a small pond of white Jeri juice on his belly.

Duration: 57 minutes
From the series: Stud Files Case

Studio: Big Red Curtain 

Watch these pornstars in Stud Files Case 3: Jeri Mann :
 • Jeri Mann


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