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Luc And Ethan's Bareback Adventure

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Luc And Ethan's Bareback Adventure

Luc, Ethan and Tim run into each other at a local club and after playing a game of pool were the winner gets to set the prize. Luc wins the game and claims Tim's ass as the prize, for himself and Ethan's pleasure, in Luc's sling room. Both Luc and Ethan fuck, spank, and abuse Tim till he is almost crying and begging for their loads to be dumped in his ass. Both Luc and Ethan comply with his wish only after Tim shoots his load all over both Luc's chest and his stomach. When Ethan and Luc finish pumping their loads into Tim's ass, without either pulling out first, the camera is and the viewer are treated to these two huge loads running out of Tim's sweat clean ass hole, swollen from the tremendous fuck session it was just subjected to.

Duration: 84 minutes

Studio: Cumpuppy Video 

Watch these pornstars in Luc And Ethan's Bareback Adventure :
 • Jason Jensen  • Ethan (amvc)  • Tim Tyler  • Luc


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