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How The West Was Naked

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How The West Was Naked

The Old West at its bare naked best- full of the handsomest pistol packin' cowboys, working and playing in the nude. Eight of America's most buffed-out broncos, including three playgirl centerfolds, show you How the West Was Naked!They're ridin' bareback, pitchin' hay, robbin' the stagecoach, chasin' Indians, crackin' the bullwhip, takin' their Saturday night bath, facin' off at high noon and playin' strip seven card stud at the saloon. And when this Magnificent Eight take the stage for a mass strip off, you'll want to stay in Tombstone forever!

Duration: 90 minutes

Studio: Sharpshooter Studios 

Watch these pornstars in How The West Was Naked :
 • Jasen Johnston  • Emory Charles  • Sean Wolf  • Jone Stuart  • Matt Welsh  • Scott Owens  • Hunter (m)  • Eric Markel


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