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Mistress Rachel Steele's Pantyhose Punishment

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Mistress Rachel Steele's Pantyhose Punishment

Mistress Rachel Steele, queen of tease and denial, stops fucking footboys stiff and bound cock and uses Her talented mouth to suck the head as She rubs Her feet together and humms. She rolls back onto Her bound male captive and fucks him in bondage for quite some time. Her pantyhose covered ass pumps up and down and She tells him Her pussy is going to milk all his poison out into the condom and he is to ask permission before releasing his load. He can take no more and begs to ejaculate as She squeezes him tight in Her hole. He groans loudly and She laughs and keeps fucking him until She is certain every drop has been removed from his nut sack. She rolls off and uses the tongs to inspect the still hard shaft and condom loaded with his wad. She removes it and pours long streams of his cum on Her gigantic breasts, rubbing them in a bit and then leaning forward so he can lick his own load from Her body.

Duration: 71 minutes

Directed by: Steve Lake 
Studio: Lakeview Entertainment 

Watch these pornstars in Mistress Rachel Steele's Pantyhose Punishment :
 • Rachel Steele


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