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Juice 2: Juice Bigbelow Latin Gigolo

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Juice 2: Juice Bigbelow Latin Gigolo

Juice Bigbelow is sick and tired of working for bug-busters and thinks he's got the big tool to be the top gigolo in the big apple! In this sizzling sequel to last year's big hit, Juice trains his horniest homeboys in the art of becoming the city's sexiest Latin lovers!

Duration: 87 minutes

Directed by: Brian Brennan 
Studio: Latino Fan Club 

Watch these pornstars in Juice 2: Juice Bigbelow Latin Gigolo :
 • Tito Lopez  • Viper  • Ricardo  • Alejandro (Ray Rock)  • Dimitri Santiago  • Genuwyne  • Joieto  • Syco Eddie


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