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Sweet Dreams

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Sweet Dreams

Dan can't wait. He's off to meet two of his best female friends for lunch but decides to set himself down on the sofa for a few quick thoughts. Big mistake! He imagines their soft bodies and ends up falling asleep and dreaming about one of his most favorite things to do: bondage. Nicole is bound first, scantily clad in her jean skirt. Tied tightly to a black leather chair her cries as she squirms against the tightness of the bonds are to no avail. Dan then imagines her in a full body tie, spread eagled across the four corners of a desk. It's Mina's turn next. She is tied to a couch, then against the cold, hard steel of a baker's rack. As his imagination continues Dan finds both of them in their final ties completely nude. Dan couldn't be having a better lunch, when suddenly he's awakened by the knocks of Nicole and Mina at the door, who are eager for some great food. If only it were some great bondage!

Duration: 56 minutes

Studio: Calstar 

Watch these pornstars in Sweet Dreams :
 • Mina  • Nicole


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